Sole Sisters Travel


Rocky Mountain Half

rocky mtn half

One of the most beautifully picturesque places one could run is in Estes Park Colorado.   In the summer you can still find snow-capped mountain peaks while sightseeing in shorts and a t-shirt.  The air is always crisp and clean while the bright turquoise blue sky will rarely be hidden by clouds.   The Rocky Mountain Half Marathon is held during one of the best times of the year to visit Colorado on August 2nd.  The leaves are beginning to turn just below the giant treeless peaks of the rocky mountains that are dusted by just a hint of snow.    The 13.1 mile course begins at the Historic Stanley Hotel.  Be sure to go for a tour of this eerie yet gorgeous mansion well known for it’s haunted ways in The Shining.  If your daring enough to want to stay here after your tour, room rates start around $140 to $200+.   Other lodging options range from Cabins and Cottages, B&B’s, motels and RV campgrounds.   Because the race is held at a National Forest it is good to note that the aid stations will be “cup free” meaning they will not be offering cups filled with water or gatorade to prevent any waste and preserving the natural beauty of the area.  Personally, I think all races should be cup free, especially plastic cup free.  Runners are given the option to  sign up for a Hydropouch that will be included in their race bag or they are encouraged to bring along their own water bottles that can be filled at the aid stations.

Along with your water bottle be sure to bring your camera/phone because every inch of this course is going to be worthy of a photo-op especially at mile 10.  The views of the Rocky Mountains at this point in the race is worth every grueling uphill battled along the course so forget about finish time or pace, enjoy the scenery especially if this is your first visit to the Rocky Mountains, you won’t regret it.

One very important tip if you decide to sign up for this race:  The altitude at Estes Park is 7,522 feet. If you are from an area close to sea level or have not run at altitude you will need to acclimate before exercising.  This can be arriving early and taking casual hikes, a few short easy paced runs or if you have access to higher altitudes before you travel to Colorado do some training there.  Altitude sickness can set in if you exert your body to limits it’s not used to and common symptoms are lightheadedness, nausea, shortness of breath and difficulty sleeping.  I can guarantee you that you do not want to experience these during a half marathon.